What is the difference between a memoir and a biography?

Though the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, a memoir usually refers to a collection of stories from a person’s life. Often a memoir focuses on one key portion of your life, like childhood or the years leading up to a major milestone. 

A biography is typically a more comprehensive account of a life from birth to the present day. 

If we work together, we will talk about the scope of your book before we begin. 

What is a ghostwriter?

A ghostwriter is a professional writer who takes your words and turns them into a piece of writing with your name on it. I typically use transcripts of interviews with my clients as the raw material to write their memoirs.

People don’t talk like they write, nor do they speak in exactly the right order, so the ghostwriting process involves reorganizing, editing, and tweaking. In the end, the book should sound like the author, not the ghostwriter.

Traditionally, ghostwriters do not receive any formal credit such as a byline on the book cover. It is up to the author to recognize the ghostwriter’s contribution, and this is often done in the book’s acknowledgments section.

Why would I use a ghostwriter for my memoir?

Even the best and most prolific writers will tell you that writing is hard. Writing a book can be overwhelming. For many people, their time and money are better spent hiring a professional.

Working with a ghostwriter ensures that your book will get done. The writing will be professional but in your voice, and the book will be something you’ll be proud to publish and share.

How long does it take to complete a ghostwritten memoir?

Factors like your availability, my schedule, the amount of material to be covered, and how quickly you return a draft with revisions all determine how long a project takes. 

On average, we need about 20 hours of interviews to gather all the material and two to three months to write a first draft. The most important factor to me is your happiness with the manuscript, and we will work together until you are thrilled with the finished product. 

Start to finish, manuscripts usually take six months to complete, with another six months required to complete the production and self-publishing process. 

Do I need to live close by in order to work with you? 

I’m based in San Diego, but I have yet to work with a local client! Thanks to technology, I can work with authors all over the world. I usually begin and end my client projects with a phone call and use email to communicate while the work is in progress. We’ll find a communication method that works well for you.

I have written a bunch of stories, but I need help putting them together into a book. Can you help?

I would say that the majority of authors I work with come to me in this situation. Having your stories written is half the battle. To get to the finish line with your manuscript, it helps to work with a professional to figure out how all the stories fit together, which ones really don’t belong, and what may be missing.

Can you help me publish my book?

If we have worked together on your book, you will have a polished, professional manuscript that is ready to publish. The finished product can take any form you like, from a simple print-shop binding to a sleek book similar to those on the shelves at Barnes & Noble.

I will be able to tell you if your book has commercial appeal, and if it would be realistic to try for a traditional publishing deal. These instances are rare. The commercial market for memoirs is competitive and difficult. Also, the traditional publishing route is a much longer one. Here is a helpful article on the pros and cons of self-publishing and traditional publishing: https://blog.reedsy.com/self-publishing-vs-traditional-publishing/

The good news is that self-publishing is flourishing these days, with on-demand printing services making it relatively easy and inexpensive to publish independently. Most people feel that getting their book out into the world is more important than who publishes it—and I agree!